XYZ OPEN CITY – by N55 & Till Wolfer
26.09.2016 - 27.09.2016 Fabrique im Gängeviertel I Valentinskamp 34a, 20355 Hamburg I Anreise: U2 Gänsemarkt

Für den Workshop bitten wir um eure [Anmeldung]( Workshop XYZ Open City).

Mit dem modularen Raumsystem XYZ OPEN CITY wollen wir das Erdgeschoss der Fabrique im Gängeviertel für das urbani7e umnutzen: in einem kollektiven Prozess soll ein exemplarisches Wohnsetting entstehen, das Basis und darüber hinaus Plattform für die Festival-Ausstellung des urbani7e ist. Das konkrete Arrangement entscheiden die Teilnehmer_innen vor Ort.


XYZ OPEN CITY: Ein modulares Raumsystem, Open Source und kostengünstig lokal herstellbar. Ein Tool um sich (Stadt-)Räume konkret anzueignen, sie mit benötigten Funktionen auszustatten und gemäß der eigenen Bedürfnisse nutzbar zu machen. Bausteine einer Infrastruktur zur Selbstermächtigung der Stadt der Vielen.

Mit dem XYZ OPEN CITY System wollen wir das Erdgeschoss der Fabrique (Gängeviertel) für das urbani7e umnutzen: in einem kollektiven Prozess soll ein exemplarisches Wohnsetting entstehen, das Basis und darüber hinaus Ausstellungs-Plattform für Projekte des urbani7e ist. Das konkrete Arrangement entscheiden die Teilnehmer_innen vor Ort.

Neben den Funktionsmodulen der XYZ OPEN CITY werden auch ganz konkrete Lösungen der GoodTech-Plattform zur Verfügung stehen: Showerloop (water recycling shower), Sunzilla (solar generator) und Waterzilla (water purification system). Achtung: bringt Kopf und Hände, es wird auch konkret gebaut.

Workshop-Timetable (Teilnahme ist auch stundenweise möglich):
26.9. (12:00 – 18:00)
27.9. . (12:00 – 18:00)
Folgetage: Weiterentwicklung & Umgestaltung der Modulstruktur durch die Nutzer_innen

Workshop-Durchführung: Till Wolfer (N55) und Luc Knödler

Mehr Infos über GoodTech


XYZ OPEN CITY is an open source, modular, low cost system that persons in local communities can use as a tool to implement a wide range of shared functions in public & urban space.

The XYZ OPEN CITY system can be used to build anything from urban gardens to fully functional insulated housing. Building materials can be new or recycled. XYZ OPEN CITY constructions can be dedicated to a specific purpose - like for example a POWER STATION based on solar panels and/or wind turbines - or it can form multifunctional buildings providing a variety of facilities. It can also be used to construct new infrastructure like bridges, floating platforms and alike.

XYZ OPEN CITY can plug into existing infrastructure and change the functions of existing buildings, indoors or outdoors, or it can be used to build a new city from scratch. When the system is implemented in an area, it can grow in relation to local needs and wishes. The XYZ OPEN CITY system can be seen as a do-it-yourself urban planning tool; an alternative to the top down urban planning that dominates most cities in the world. N55 & Till Wolfer encourage persons to build their own XYZ OPEN CITIES and hereby influence their local urban environments.

The single modules of XYZ OPEN CITY can easily be produced by its local users: The XYZ OPEN CITY system is based on the open source XYZ NODES construction system – its production requires only hand-held tools and widely available standard materials. The DIY builders decide the overall appearance and functions of the XYZ OPEN CITY. The basic cubic building blocks can be combined freely within an orthogonal system in all directions. Each module can accommodate a different function and modules can be combined to form overall functions. The single modules are so lightweight that a crowd of people can carry one each, gather up at a site and quickly create a large structure with different functions in public space.

With XYZ OPEN CITY N55 & Till Wolfer propose to share things in public & urban space, to form an alternative to state or private ownership and hereby to establish new commons.

XYZ OPEN CITY is work in progress and new systems and solutions will be available and shared at

Please share your own XYZ OPEN CITY experiences and solutions by mailing N55 at The XYZ OPEN CITY by N55 & Till Wolfer is an open source system provided under the rules of Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Any use of the works must include proper credits to N55 & Till Wolfer as well as a link to

XYZ OPEN CITY has recently partnered with the GoodTech-Platform. Goodtech is a new breed of modular, repairable, and therefore long-lasting, sustainable products, based upon transparent product designs.

The XYZ OPEN CITY system will provide the functional framework for a wide range of GoodTech products to come. With the mid-term goal to provide everybody with accessible, transparent technologies to produce energy, to grow healthy food, filter drinking water, build decent housing and sanitation. The first functional modules implemented in the XYZ OPEN CITY within the GoodTech Initiative are: Showerloop (water recycling shower), Sunzilla (solar generator & modular energy storage) and Waterzilla (water purification system). Read more here:

Read the full XYZ OPEN CITY concept here.

Workshop, Hamburg, Stadt-Praxis
